Sunday, September 24, 2023
Everyone wants a peaceful marriage with passion and intimacy. But getting there requires a lot of work, and one of the things that could keep marriages from thriving is failing to prioritize the right things.
There are so many things that a husband or wife may see as important – work, the kids, businesses. After all, husbands do need to provide for their families. Wives can be busy with their own work and the kids. But responsibilities sometimes take up so much of our time and energy that all we have for our spouses are leftovers.
Even the people around us could keep us from going all-in in the marriage. Some might want to offer advice, but may not necessarily have the same beliefs we do. Some might think that they have our best interests in mind, but are not exactly rooting for the marriage.
This is why spouses need to be more intentional in prioritizing each other especially if they have the power of Christ working within their marriage.
In this episode, Curt and Rachel talk about how to create the right priorities to have a thriving marriage filled with love, peace, passion, and intimacy.
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