Podcast/Podcast/Episode #14: Get on the Offense and Play the Game of Life to Win!

Episode #14: Get on the Offense and Play the Game of Life to Win!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Sometimes, we default to defense mode and just let life happen to us. We let our limiting beliefs take control and we lose sight of our destination.

When this happens, we let go of our ability to achieve our goals and reach the victory that is meant for us. So how can we pivot from it and start finding the right path that will get us to our goals faster?

In this episode, Curt talks about how getting on the offense can carve a clearer path towards The Champion Life.

“It’s possible. That next level of life that you want is possible. Just make a decision today that you’re all in.“ - Curt Tucker

In This Episode:

  • Curt shares the impact of regularly taking time to reflect on the 5 Fs of life
  • ​Decide what’s the one thing you want the most at this point in your life
  • ​3 key things that help you get to your goals faster
  • ​Discover how our belief systems impact our ability to achieve our goals
  • ​Find out why you need to resource up
  • ​Learn how to play defense vs going on the offense in life
  • ​And more!!!


  • ​Romans 12:2 We are transformed by the renewing of our minds.
  • ​Mark 9:23 All things are possible to those who believe.
  • The Champion Life Book

Connect With Me:

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Curt Tucker

Coach, Author, Champion

Listen to Curt and guests and learn to start developing your champion life and stop entertaining fear, scarcity, and failure.

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